Saturday, July 17, 2010

Box Set

Wide Margins: An Exhibition of 'Zines and Self-Published Works from the Sublime to the Silly is currently on view at the WNY Book Arts Center. It runs from July 16-September 3, 2010 & includes hundreds of home-made, self-published works of literary and graphical self-expression. Zines were the blogs before the internet. They were made with typewriters, glue, scissors, tape, copy machines, old computers, press type, pencils, paper, markers, photos, stats, stickers and often staples.

Both my 1990-era pubs -- the Sign O' The Times (SOTT) and Slack Magazine, done by Wizard Graphics-- are highlighted in a glass display case. Thanks to WNYBA's Amy & Jessica for curating this super show. This is really a fine collection of hanging, stacked and piles & piles of literally a shit load of publications. Make sure you get down before Sept. 3 to check this show out- it is very cool!

I missed the opening reception as I was out of town, but I biked down the Saturday afternoon to check it out. I was pretty psyched to see the show. I took these snapshots -- heavy on the Wizard Graphics case -- for your viewing pleasure.

Facebook page-
click. BuffaloSnooze preview- click. WNY Book Arts page- click. Slack Magazine online website.

The full Slack & SOTT case. Click on this image collage for big view....very nice. This display includes tee, Slacker in Space original comic art in stat & negative form, a poster, business card, watch, rubber stamp and original issues of SOTT and Slack Magazine.

Side view of full SOTT- Slack case- protected under glass!

Edits to Issue #1 of SOTT includes hand notes on laserprint proof.

Poster for Slack fundraiser at 3rd Room & one-of-a-kind original SLACK watch.

Various SLACK Magazines with Slack in Space comic by Don Keller.

SOTTs from 1991.

Zine case 01- colorful, fancy zines.

Zine case 2- very professional looking zine-age.

Hanging row of the great Duplex Planet zines.

More colorful Duplex Planets.

Hanging zines and tools (electric typewriter & 'pre-zine' print press).

Beer Frame- a classic from back in the day.



Event posters in WNYBAC window on the corner of Mohawk & Washington, Downtown Buffalo, NY.

Saturday morning, post opening party clean up.

BONUS BEATS- WNYBAC is a great addition to the Queen City -- they have been around for one year now. Please support this non-for-profit if you are a fan of the printed arts-- especially the antique hand-made, letter-pressed versions of book and all things printed. Become a member!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Start Choppin'

Born in the Summer of 1993, Slack Magazine flourished in Buffalo NY's underground Zine world alongside such luminaries as the Sacred Cow, Snot and The Avenue Player. Sputtering out in February '96 with one last great splash (The Beer Part II), Slack Magazine lived it's life for 20 issues and included slam-bang-gonzo journalism, reviews, ridicule, satire & early computer graphics littered with scans from borrowed postcards, magazines & newspaper clippings. Written and edited by some of Buffalo's greatest creatives (writers-DJs-photographers-drunkards) of the 1990s, Slack has finally dusted itself off & entered the digital age right here.

I gathered all the digital issue of Slack and posted them in it's very own URL at Slack now lives in the digital age, enjoy this slice of Buffalo, NY 1993-1996.

Check it out, kids!

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Don't squish that logo. Don't flatten it down, don't bring the sides in. Please never re-size that logo misproportionately. Stop puling on a corner when you have placed it in Illustrator, or (God forbid, you are designing in) Photoshop. Side note: Photoshop is a photo editing program, not a layout program. You should stop designing in Photoshop, while we are on the subject....

Back to the logo you are hurting..... Don't force it to fit. Don't manipulate the logo in any way.

Show some respect to the designer who developed the logo. If you cannot get the logo on the page without changing it in any way-- besides scaling it proportionately-- then don't. You are showing disrespect to the craft.

It you can't do this, then please stop practicing graphic design. If you don't know that this is wrong-- screwing with that logo the way you are-- then you have no business doing what you are doing.

And I mean it. Just stop it.