Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Back To The Lab: Dr. Wisz's Old School Hip Hop Mix

Date: November 2001, Boy! This is a good tape, it was a live-to-tape (no going back and fixin' it) old school hip hop mix duped back in 2001. I made this master tape and then made copies for a lot of friends, so there may be a few of these floating around. Dubbed 'The Roots Of Deja Blu' this was going to be the first in series, looking back and some of the music that got Scotty and I into DJ'ing around the formative years of deja blu- our DJ team.

The graphics are very sophisticated as compared to a lot of hand-made j-cards that have been posted previously. All computer art & printed black with knock-outs on purple paper. The turntable photos were taking by a photographer friend of mine and the font was dot-matrixy (on purpose). Good stuff. This is one that should really be transferred to CD.

Thursday, January 26, 2012