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Mariah Carey Fights Eddie Vedder, Stinky Al D'Amato is Chop-blocked & Bills Win as Smoking is Banned EverywhereSlack No. 6, The Buffalo Issue
February 1994 (publish date 01.26.94)
I was asked by Nancy to watch her things-- this 80 year old grandmother had struck up a conversation with me after her third beer (she told me)-- and I thought about how often people will tell me things. Anything, all the time. People I don't even know will just spill their guts. I am waiting for the murder confession one of these days...
I always thought this was kinda weird... I mean, my friends will tell you I am destined to be the cranky old man on your block. I am not always the friendliest guy (but I was not Bitter Boy, honest... ). I have to admit years of living downtown and many late nights on Buffalo streets has hardened me somewhat.
Despite my general disposition, people will just start talking to me. They will tell me things, often in bars. Like Nancy, who was telling me all about her grandkids and CSI, and what is wrong with Buffalo. I have heard a lot about what people think about Buffalo. Everyday this city and it's fans and foes pen journalistic-- and some not-- criticism and advice for Buffalo. Well looking back at Buffalo on January 26, 1994 I can tell you a little/a lot (<--take your pick) has changed in this Queen City.
I give you yet another early issues of "Buffalo's Hippest Monthly Mag" (it says so on page 5!), Slack magazine number 6, the Buffalo Issue.
This particular PDF copy features an actual returned issue-- someone mailed it back to me with typos circled on the cover (for the record: the 'prose' was a play on words, the 'bufflo' was indeed a typo). This number six issue was haunted by some early bad printing with too dark sludgy gradient tones, heavy photos and bad Kinkos trimming. Still a great snapshot of Buffalo in 1994.
Highlights Include:
> 1st Slacker in Space- legendary cyber-comic by Don Keller.
> A usual snarky Slacker of the Month- starring party DJs that took off P-Funk's Flashlight (IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SONG) and put on Spin Doctors, I still say 'yeck.'> Dave Koch's Pros and Cons of Buffalo- A deja vu read, 14 years later. Everything in the city was "only 20 minutes away..."
> Top Slackers of the Year: 1993, winners include the:
- short-lived Mark Supples Show (3 TV episodes)
- the 1st season of Off Beat Cinema
- the infamous UB T-Hip concert (flying shoe = show over)
- and a bad prediction (by me) on the future career of Conan O' Brian (can't call them all, I guess)...
> Horrorscope writer Brad's Predictions for 1994 which include:
"Mayor Tony Masiello inviting 10,000 stone sober fans to Ray Flynn's for kimmelweck and sponge candy."Now there's some 90's regionalism for ya, eh?
>> Click here to read the PDF of Slack Magazine n. 6, The Buffalo Issue (4.1 mgs)
And don't forget... so far (we also have):
Slack Magazine n. 9, The Dead Rock Stars Issue
Slack Magazine n. 8, The Beer Issue