Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The Ledge

Ban Comic Sans!

Preserve the sanctity of type! This website has various "Ban Comic Sans" propoganda for you to download to join the cause. For graphic artists: is CS possibly the most hated font ever?!? Possibly.... The site includes examples of Comic Sans usage, graphics and background info.

Details: In 1995 Microsoft released the font Comic Sans originally designed for comic book style talk bubbles containing informational help text. Since that time the typeface has been used in countless contexts from restaurant signage to college exams to medical information. These widespread abuses of printed type threaten to erode the very foundations upon which centuries of typographic history are built.

The comic panel above is from a pretty funny "ban CS" comic strip you can download. "I'm not kidding, I really hate that shit," says Mr. F***in' Snapcase.

There are bad types and good types, and the whole science and art of typography begins after the first category has been set aside.
- Beatrice Warde

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