Friday, August 3, 2007

On The Radio

I once went to meet a client at their office. I had already given the proposal to my contact and as we were reviewing it, the company president came in to meet me. We chatted amicably for a few minutes. We talked about OtherWisz and the fact that my office is is in the same neighborhood he lived in. We talked about the history of the OtherWisz barn/office, which was a band practice spot for years and how my house had been owned by some great, local musicians in the past.

Then he asked me a question that I will never forget.

He looked at me and asked, "What did you listen to in your car on the way over here?"

I thought to myself, "Why would a president of a corporation ask me such a question?" I smiled and answered, with no regret "Prince: Controversy."

He smiled back and said, "I don't have a lot of Prince." he didn't say he didn't or did like Prince, but I assumed he did, since he continued on, "I was listening to this great Bob Dylan CD......"

And we proceeded to chat, I thought what a great ice-breaker. I think I will use this when I interview freelance artists and interns from now on. What a great way to get to know a person. I mean if I ask someone and they say 'Kenny Chesney' or something equally offensive, I would have to take a close look to see if this is the sort of person that could work in our office.

What did you listen to on your way to work today? Let me know....

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