Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Who Loves The Sun

By writing this I have already violated #09, but hey, you gotta start somewhere. Here is my list of resolutions (or better, yet 'plans') for 2008. A lot of these all work together, but the pieces will make a better whole (I think).

10) More Design.
Always can work harder at what I do, eh? The more I read about great design, the more I want to be a better designer.

09) Less Procrastinating.
Less wasted time, no more killing the clock (like I am doing right now....).

08) More Sleep.
I want to try and stay away from those 1:00AM work nights... I can always use the rest & besides Hunter is on RTN at midnight.

07) More Quality Family Time.
Goes without saying.... better for all.

06) Less Beer, More Wine.
This is basically a calories thing, my health-kick took a major blow this holiday season as the party doesn't seem to stop. I finished reading the Replacements book and it made we want to drink a lot of beer and play loud rock-n-roll.

05) No More Cookies & Candy.
Note: same as above. I have been over-sugared the past 2 weeks.

04) More Money.
This will make my luxurious lifestyle even more luxurious! Ha!
I want to work smarter, not harder.

03) Less Complaining.
Can I stop being the old grumpy guy? We shall see- it may just be destiny.

02) Less Buying Things.
Less consuming! All I seem to be doing this past month is spending- I think I have way too much STUFF!

01) More Happiness For All Involved!
I think if everyone around me is happier, maybe I will be as well. I am already pretty happy, but like I said above ... we shall see.

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