Tukka Roots Riddim
He likes to sleep for hundreds of years, eats junk food (buildings, other monsters, etc.) and he is usually minding his own business 'til humans piss him off....
GODZILLA: KING OF THE SLACKERSSlack issue #7- SLACK Goes to the Movies Issue
March 1994 (published 02.28.94)
We got caught in the rain during the free Bidwell concert tonight, but it didn't matter, it was hot as hell today. The rain didn't cool anything down, it is still extra steamy on a Tuesday night... it would be the perfect night to sit in an air-conditioned movie house. But I cannot, I am in the office listening to my CDs purchased at the Central Library for only one dollar each and working. For the score keepers- they are Underworld's Pearl Girl single CD (w/ bonus trax), Primal Scream's Kowalski single CD (w/ bonus trax), Smith and Mighty's Bass is Material and Cowboys to Girls- The Hits of The Intruders (Philly R & B).
I give you issue number 7, the Slack Goes To The Movies Issue, which is not a superb issue by any means. I know I have been behind in my Slack postings (sorry it's been a month, people), but it's Summer for cripes sake.
This issue is significant in that it contains the very 1st Bitter Boy article. Following an angry letter in issue number 6 from BB, he said he could write and he did! I received a floppy disk in the mail for the next 13 issues and he didn't miss a single deadline. Ranting about his observations of the world and his bad attitude in regards to these things, I followed the the next articles by BB with a disclaimer that the opinions expressed "were entirely his own and not of he editors of Slack." Now a lot of scandalous, malicious and down right nasty- not to mention copyright infringing-- things have been written in the 20 issues of Slack but no-one deserved a disclaimer like Bitter Boy.
Highlights & Lowlights of Slack 7:
HIGH: a praising letter from James Gillian, Creative Director at Paragon (in fact I think he still is there). He had Dre and I appear on an episode of Off Beat Cinema following this issue, which was fun.
LOW: really bad printing with a few pages having no black, washed in grays. I remember being mad about how crappy the cover looked.
HIGH: Dre interview Rochester techno artist Mark Gage about his Vapour Space. He was touring with Aphex Twin, Moby and Orbital.
LOW: Page 2. I scanned actual popcorn for the background and it makes the text hard to read... but I did scan actual popcorn on the flatbed scanner, which is cool in itself.
HIGH: Godzilla: King of the Slackers.
LOW: Laid by James was on my DJ list and a CD review. I remember how I learned to loath the title track when I DJ'ed at the Concrete and used to lie to girls who requested it, telling them I didn't have it or I accidentally left it at home (remember those days, Doug)....
Download PDF here: Slack Magazine n. 7, Slack Goes to The Movies Issue (4.7 mg)
Don't forget these issues already up:
Slack Magazine n. 18, The Two-Year Anniversary! issue
Slack Magazine n. 11, The True Crime Issue
Slack Magazine n. 9, The Dead Rock Stars Issue
Slack Magazine n. 8, The Beer Issue
Slack Magazine n. 6, The Buffalo Issue
Slack Magazine n.5, The Slack TV Issue
Slack Magazine n. 4, SEX in the '90s Issue
Slack Magazine n. 3, The Politico Issue
Slack Magazine n. 2, The Travel Issue
Slack Magazine n. 1, The Debut Issue
BONUS BEATS: a collection of Godzilla sound effects and roars online >>Listen now!
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