It's Gonna Be a Beautiful Night
It is official: Today is the 1st SNOW DAY of the 2008-09 Snow Storm Season!RoamBuffalo Top 6 Snow Day Movies:
In no special order.. best on a day when travel is advised against (or downright banned!) Best with a big pot of stew, a batch of xmas cookies, beer (maybe)... sure beats working. Well, but I am working... what are you gonna do...
Better Off Dead (1985)
Now that's a real shame when folks be throwin' away a perfectly good white boy like that.
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Groundhog Day (1993)
Ned... Ryerson. "Needlenose Ned"? "Ned the Head"? C'mon, buddy. Case Western High. I did the whistling belly-button trick at the high school talent show? Bing. Ned Ryerson, got the shingles real bad senior year, almost didn't graduate? Bing, again. Ned Ryerson, I dated your sister Mary Pat a couple of times until you told me not to anymore? Well?
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Niagara (1953)
Why don't you ever get a dress like that?
Listen. For a dress like that, you've got to start laying plans when you're about thirteen.
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Purple Rain (1984)
Nobody digs your music but yourself!
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Repo Man (1984)
Duke, let's go do some crimes.
Yeah. Let's go get sushi and not pay.
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Where the Buffalo Roam (1980)
You couldn't invent someone like Carl Lazlo. He was a... he was one of a kind. He was a mutant. A real heavyweight water buffalo type... who could chew his way through a concrete wall and spit out the other side covered with lime and chalk and look good in doing it.
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These are our favorites, tell us some of yours. Post 'em.
on my snow day, i watched my favorite winter film, john carpenter's "the thing". it's his frickin masterpiece. i also watched the full version of "death proof" to complete the kurt russell theme. i liked the shortened version i saw in the theater better, the double feature "grindhouse" version.
Snow day? What's a snow day?
It is when the kids are home from school! Remember those days, having to stay home and play instead of going to school...?
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