Art School Girl
This weekend- Allentown Craft Fest!June 14 & 15th, 2008
Pottery, jewelry, yarn things, things made out of wood, metal-molded crap for your garden... oil paintings, maybe?
I hate to be a critic (really) but is there ever going to be an Allentown Artfest poster that doesn't have the prerequisite paint brush in it? Lord knows, you can't say "art fest" without a paintbrush, eh? I know they have a contest every year to design the poster. I wonder if the rules state: "Must say Allentown Art Fest, must have the date and location, must have a paintbrush (?)"....
This year's poster makes me want to ask aloud, "Will there be a lot of Greek mythological statues available, or funny clown faces?" I need more of those in my life... except the clowns maybe, they scare me....
Click here for all the gory details.
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